24 March 2011

Dave Week: Quotes By People Named Dave

"Fiction is one of the few experiences where loneliness can be both confronted and relieved. Drugs, movies where stuff blows up, loud parties -- all these chase away loneliness by making me forget my name's Dave and I live in a one-by-one box of bone no other party can penetrate or know. Fiction, poetry, music, really deep serious sex, and, in various ways, religion -- these are the places (for me) where loneliness is countenanced, stared down, transfigured, treated."

~David Foster Wallace

I can't tell if it's unsettling or uplifting when some else perfectly encapsulates a feeling you thought was private.

Either way, the most important word to me in that post is transfigured.

The best phrase: "a one-by-one box of bone no other party can penetrate or know."

PS: I get bonus points for having a quote that is by Dave AND includes the word Dave. Win for me.

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